Fujian Lilliput Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd
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OWON Is Back From Indonesia Industrial Machinery And Electronic Products Exhibition
- 2018/5/7 10:00:00 -

After 3 days exhibition, Owon is back to China from Indonesia Industrial Machinery and Electronic Products Exhibition!

The exhibition held on Jarkarta,Indonesia during May 3~5th. OWON has bring their new released 7G spectrum analyzer - XSA1076TG, pocket multimeter -  OW16 and OW18. Along with the four channels XDS oscilloscope - XDS3104AE. The great effect of the machine not only attract the OWON's current Indonesia distributors, but also outshine among the show exhibitors. It's OWON's final purpose to meeting all the clients' needs. We will keep on moving. Stay tuned!